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Rebuilding After Store


SelF-Help 2.0

A New and Improved Path to Break Free from Stress, Anger  and Codependency

When it comes to self-help, we all have felt the frustrations of trying any number of techniques and ending up in the same place, or perhaps feeling even more discouraged. This doesn’t have to be the outcome, though. There is hope!

In Self-Help 2.0, you can learn how to create a different experience. For years, we have been taught to approach self-help from a mind/body understanding of ourselves when, in reality, we and our challenges are actually mind/body/energy. Self-Help 2.0 draws on many years of study and the experience of hundreds of people  to provide a more complete solution to the challenges which are part of life, and to offer you a path toward greater well-being.

In Self-Help 2.0,  we have been given a gift: a practical, effective self-help approach which we can use today to create the life we envision for ourselves.


Each of the videos below provides an explanation and demonstration of how to use the Pondera Process for any emotion, belief, or memory that limits your serenity.

Intro to Pondera Process®

Pondera Process®
for Emotions

Pondera Process®
for Beliefs

Pondera Process®
for Memories


The audios below are great if you already have an understanding of how to use the Pondera Process® but would like to close your eyes, relax, and have Larry guide you through the Process.

Pondera Process®
for Loving Light

Pondera Process®
for Beliefs

Pondera Process®
for Emotions

Pondera Process®

Pondera Process®
for Identity

Pondera Process®
for Gratitude

Pondera Process for Vagus Nerve

Pondera Process®

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